Thursday, November 10, 2011

2 Month Koli

Right now Nog is at a plumbing job and I am home with the little bean trying to get her to bed. Which I'm pretty sure this is the last time I will need to get up to go sing her back to sleep.
She now recognizes my voice and face,
when I walk in the room she will follow me with her eyes.
It's my favorite.
She still doesn't smile too much
but in the mornings is when she is happiest,
when she wakes up she gives me the biggest grin
and will keep grinning for us for a good half hour.
I love this little girl she makes me so dang happy.

LOVE these beautiful eyes!

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo...was that the Army Crawl I spotted? She sure is a cutie! baby smiles make the world light up brighter than the sun. Good job, Andrea!
