Saturday, January 14, 2012

What's new with the Koli Bean...

4 Months Old.
Me and Nog were laughing so hard when she saw this. This little girl is amazing every morning when we unwrap her she has some body part of out of her clothes. I don't know how she does it but she does every time. One time she kicked the entire outfit off and it was in the very bottom of her wrap. I unwrapped her then asked Nog if he undressed her last night hahah he said no, and she had done it all on her own. She got pretty close the next day with one arm barely in the sleeve still. haha and that little arm always pops up like she's been waiting forever to be free. I love the mornings with this girl.
Koli has been sleeping less and less at night so we decided to start giving her rice cereal just before she goes to bed. She loves this stuff and the past 2 nights shes slept an hour longer between each feeding then before so hurray it's helping.

Her new thing is to tuck here lower lip. So cute.
I'm just getting over being sick and Koli was so sweet she cuddled with me for an hour, totally awake just staring at me and playing with my mouth. She's figured out how to use her hands and she reaching for everything. :)


  1. I am in true love with her turtle face. (bottom lip tucked) She is getting so big! I just want to hold her all my life.

  2. that is hilarious about her stripping her clothes every night! she is amazing! xoJanee

  3. Oh my goodness. I LOVE her!!! Jazmine says that your baby's so cute. I love her. Kishawn loves your little, cute baby.
