Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Happy Day

Here I am sitting on the couch waiting for Nogs to get home from work. I'm eating a chocolate donut and drinking chocolate milk (Ovaltine) to be exact. A friend from work asked if I wrote on my blog yet about Hawaii, and then I remembered I haven’t written on here in forever! Probably the longest I've ever gone. Sooo I guess for an update I will start by saying, this last weekend I got to spend an ENTIRE weekend with my Mama! She stayed at our house and I loved every minute of it! She came down for Kyler’s Baptism which was by the way amazing. Where did that girl come from, seriously! We went grocery shopping where I was introduced to this splendid Ovaltine, we watched How to Train your Dragon. (I think I've seen it like 10 times now) It's Nogals Favorite! Rae, Mom, and I continued my song that I made up for Nog! It's the same back ground music to an episode on the Simpsons that I've never seen before (correction, "The Simpsons Movie") but saw on a commercial one time I think it was with Jay because we watched it over and over. We thought it was so funny so we kept rewinding and listening to it. And from then on I've had it memorized. This is my original that I sing to him about 5 times daily (literally)
Nogal Bear,
Nogal Bear,
Does whatever a Nogal Bear does.
(Repeated over again)
The original words on The Simpsons are...
Spider Pig,
Spider Pig,
Does whatever a Spider Pig does.
But... what I didn't know was that the song continued (we found that our by looking it up on youtube) SO we sang this song to him about 20 times that night and each night after
Song Continues....
Can he swim from a web?
No he can't cause he's a Bear.
LOOK OUT he is a Nogal Bear.
After so many times of this sweet duet Nog would walk out of the room he got so annoyed it was hilarious. Now he says he's going to punch me every time I try singing that song to him. (But I still do it when I'm not in his reach)
-those two chaps are so great!-
Karol and I got her some fancy new scrubs for her new job :). She was concerned for the "girly bow tie" on the side. But I thought it looked quite dainty if you ask me, that was fun! And of course Filibee's immediately after she got here. It is her all time Fav.
Kyler, Mara, Gav, and Oaki, spend the night 2 nights in the row they were thrilled. In each of their prayers they said "thank you that we can spend the night at Aunt Annie's and Uncle Nog's 2 night in a row"
soo cute!
I sure do love my sweet ol Ma.

Also, we just got back from Hawaii last Tuesday we went to celebrate our 1 year Anniversary. It was a really great trip. We spend some time with some friends, Sherry & KC, Alex and Katherine, Yo & Michelle, it was great. Here are some pictures of it.

My well known FAMOUS pose!

Yay, We made it

At the Zoo
My Fav

tiny elephant

At North Shore
Diner with Yo and Michelle
At the Temple it was so beautiful!
hanging out with Sher
At the PCC
On a boat ride

At the Blow Hole

Little Royal. He was so much fun
NBD - aka - (no big deal) Rae wrote this NBD thing on Facebook the other day. She's weird.
Pali Lookout
We flipped a penny over the side and it flew back at us. It is so windy here.
Nogs sand castle, he worked long and hard on this
the grand finale

Well, I'm all done writing and I want another donut!!

See ya

1 comment:

  1. That looks like such a fun trip Annie! That picture of you on the beach by yourself is so pretty.
