Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Like Father, Like Daughter

Tonight after diner Nog got called off to a plumbing job so I decided I would watch a movie while I waited for him to return. I went into the Arizona room looking through all of our movies (I really wanted a chick flick) but got nothin.... Then I came across our wedding video so I watched that instead. I haven't seen it since Koli's been born and it was so much fun seeing baby pictures of us and seeing how she looks exactly like her daddy. But she's so pretty and her Dad is hot that's for sure! I was thinking how fun it will be some day when we have all of our kids and we all sit down and watch our wedding video.

Then came up this picture and I almost died when I saw it, are you serious? These two are twins! It's the cutest thing ever. This picture says it all.
haha ya, like father like daughter. :)


  1. Oh my gosh! That's so funny! They both are so adorable!

  2. Ok, that is crazy! She totally looks just like him! So cute!
