Monday, May 10, 2010

Life is Beautiful

Today I cleaned, ALL day.
Since I've been gone I wanted the house
to feel fresh and clean again.
It now looks beautiful!
I haven't been feeling good these past couple days
so I napped alot too
and have been taking this nasty apple cider vinegar drink
that taste like complete
But if it will make me feel better I guess it is worth it.
After an accomplished day of cleaning and napping,
Log came home with some bad news,
since tax season is now over, things have slowed way down
and it seems like there is not enough work for him,
to continue working at EPL accounting.
So this will be his last week...
But the strange thing is that im not scared one bit.
Yesterday Mom and Dad Pearce came over
and gave all the kids a father's blessing,
before they leave on their mission.
It was a really cool experience,
Logan's blessing was really powerful and through it,
I KNOW that the lord will provide a way for us.
I have absolutely no doubt about that.
My blessing was perfect for me,
it helped to inspire me to be better
to have greater faith and so much more.
The Lord has given us SO much already.
Why should I fear now?
I am so thankful for all of our many blessings,
and all the Lord has provided for us.
For this beautiful home we live in now,
for a husband who holds the preisthood,
for the gospel,
our incredible families...
Im so grateful to my Father in Heaven
for his love for me
and for this beautiful life.


  1. oh you are the best annie!(ps i love your name as annie so much better than onchie and andrea) looks like you are having a great time being married and loving life!! i sure miss your awesomeness! keep looking up regarding logan's job, heavenly father has a way of taking care of us when we do what we are supposed to.

  2. Sherry! I miss you!! i check your blog every day to see if you've posted anything new, i love it! Your baby boy is amazing i love him! congradulations im so happy he's home so you two can really enjoy him!... and that is soo true, we will be just fine i know it. thanks sherry! :)
