Saturday, January 14, 2012

All Settled

So it's official GG is all settled in and feels right at home. We brought over all of her things from her house and put them here in this room for her so she would feel most comfortable. She was so cute when she saw the room with all of her things in it she got so excited, she said she loves it. I'm so glad! And Koli is in heaven, seriously this girl LOVES GG. If she's crying all I got to do is walk in GG's room and she instantly perks up. She is always giving Grandma the biggest grins ever. They are best buds these two. Like two pees in a pod.
When I want to get some things done I'll put Koli on GG's bed, they could hang out all day.

These are pictures of her room with all of her things.
And I even get to borrow her books, it's great.

With Ree's help ALOT of Ree's help. We put together this picture wall for her from all the pictures she had at her house. I think it turned out pretty cute.

1 comment:

  1. ummm remember how I love love love this post!!!! these are the cutest pictures ever!! I love that GG and Koli bean so dang much.
