Friday, January 20, 2012

Attention Kmart Shoppers

Except it's not Kmart it's Frys...
GG, Koli, and I decided to break free from the house and head off on an adventure. GG was excited to test out her new rental scooter and I was excited to push Koli in her stroller which by the way really needs the tires to be pumped up. Poor thing, we never did pump up those tires since the day we broke it free from its box. But, it still works. All three of us got on our day time clothes and put on our shoes, socks, and slippers.
Rewind, funny story.
So on Saturday night GG says to me Annie will you grab that blue shirt with flowers on it out of my closet so I can wear it to church tomorrow? I walk over, looked through all of her blue shirts (they are all color coordinated just like my closet, I can't help but love to see all the right colors next to each other.)
Me- "Hummmm still looking... sorry GG I don't see that shirt here I'll show you all of your blue ones and you tell me if you see it"
GG- "No, No, No, not it, that's weird I wonder were it went I just wore it."
Me- "Ya I don't know, I can't picture what shirt it is but I'm sure it will show up."
 Next morning she went to her closet and found the "blue" shirt she had been looking for.
She says "I found it I pulled it out so you would see it.
"GG that's not blue, that's purple."
"No it's not it's blue I'm sure of it it's always been blue"
"Uhuhuhuh I don't think so"
"Yes it is, you are freaking me out Andi, you're just kinda weird."
hahahaha we were laughing so hard, so she told me to promise not to tell Nog what color I thought the shirt was and that SHE was going to ask him herself.
He came in and she says " Logan, what color is this shirt?"
 He says "purple"
she looks at me and says No!... you guys are just weird.
hahah I love her.
So, back to my story. We got on our day time clothes, waved goodbye to Nog and headed for our number 1 place. (As of Yesterday) GG rode in front to make sure her scooter wouldn't run me over, that thing is fast, I'm telling you! I rode behind, my legs were moving as fast as they could without me running trying to keep up with that speed racer. But I was listening to some music while I walked so I was pumped. We figured out how to get there and where all the places were that she could get up to with her scooter,
we made it.
 We went inside, got her prescriptions, the lady there asked if we had a 3 generation thing going on, I said "ya pretty much" (which really it's a 4 but you know) you don't see that very often" she says. We got a few other necessities, rode down that dangerous isle that calls both of our names with its deliciousness starring us right in the face. Chocolate, foods covered in chocolate, twislers, sprees, big hunks, laffy taffys, sour patch kids, it was like they were speaking to us, pick me! Eat me! But not this time and maybe only this time did we get away safely. We walked away without a fuss. Even I was surprised we didn't give in. But we were strong and we strolled out of there with our heads high. Now that I think of it maybe we didn't get any because we knew that just hours later we could have all we wanted. But for those 2 hours we DID still hold our heads high. Then it was time for even more fun, four of GG's friends came over to play a little game.
 This here, is a game called chicken foot and boy do I love this game. I sat and played with them for hours. I had a blast, Koli played too in the next chair over on her bumbo, she was a great helper. We laughed, shouted, cheered, and ate and ate and ate. Oh what a day, what a life, and I sure do love it.


  1. awesome! I'm so glad you're having so much fun with your grandma! And your comment on my post cracked me up! lol lets arrange this marriage right now :) Jack and Kolli

  2. I love her and I love you! I'm so glad you two have each other!
