Friday, June 25, 2010


While i was at work Log came home to NO AC!
It had broke AGAIN
(it did this last month)
The termostat was at 86 degrees.
We have been walking around in the dark
scaring each other
cause we want to keep it as cool as 86 degrees can be.
the AC guy is on our roof as I type,
trying to get it fixed.
Hopefully our dreams come true
and we (and I mean I) can stop running
to the car to turn on the AC to get some cool air.
Haha, pathetic.
PS. We saw Karate Kid last night with the fam
and it was INCREDIBLE!!
Probly now my favorite movie
just incase you were wondering :)


  1. Haha. It got into the 80s for the first time this year and I was SOOOO hot. Then I thought how funny that was. Maybe you should come spend the summer here. ;) DO IT!

  2. haha ya it was really fun and hot aha..We are gunna come in august for sure! Im soooo excited! when are you leaving on your trip again cause we need to make sure you guys will be there when we come.

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