Nog and I wrote out on paper our new years resolution goals. After we finished I put them in clear sheet protectors and hung them in our shower so we could look at them every day (okay, well maybe not every day) haha. I'm so glad I did that because each time I see it in there it reminds me of the things I want to work on and the person I want to be. It reminds me why this life is so important and of my goals of who the Lord knows I can become. Nogs sheet is on the right and mine on the Left.
On his sheet one of his goals says "get a car that will fit Annie, Me, Koli, and GG." And in really small letters to the side (so I can't read it) it says "secret for Annie" I starred at it for a while the other day thinking how sweet he is to even put that on there even if it didn't happen this year I just feel so blessed to have such an amazing husband. We still have my car that is some how by some miracle still running so I was completely happy with that. He filed our tax return and he wouldn't tell me what it came out to or what we would do with it. So I asked him every single day trying to guess a billion things but he still wouldn't say a word. Then on the way home from running an errand he says "Okay, I'm going to tell you what we are doing with our tax return" I want to get you a new car! I was freaking out and jumping up and down (as much as you can in a car.) I couldn't believe it I never would have guessed that.
We looked around and found just what we were looking for. With our tax return, and with some savings we were able to get this wonderful car.
We can't wait to fill it up as our family grows, we are set for a very long time. :)
I feel so blessed!