Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Random Happenings

It's official. As of Yesterday my little Sugar turned 5 months old. What the crank? When did I get a 5 month old it's so fun really, I LOVE watching her grow up and start doing big kid stuff. I decided I can't be sad anymore when she grows up because I know how to fix that problem, it's simple really.... have another child. haha but seriously. Not now but you know what I'm sayin..... no need to be sad when I see her get bigger and bigger each day.
Here are pictures of all the new things Koli is doing. I think I love her more and more each day if that's possible.
This post is an update of all the pictures/super cute videos that have been sitting on Nog's and my phones for the past month. I just downloaded them on the computer and I found way too many cute ones that I just have to share.
Here is all of January and some of Febuary summed up for you.
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GG and Koli waiting on a Wednesday for her friends to arrive.
Is this how you use this thing?

So happy!
She is giant now, she is the size of the pillow!
Still LOVES to be wrapped.
Tongue out and everything, focusing on how to get that lion up there.
We are starting a new thing. We are going to go on a walk every Saturday. It was so much fun. I love the weather right now it's perfect.
Here's Koli in her hat and mittens she got for Christmas I love this on her.
 Do I look pretty or what? Don't you love my outfit?
 Still early and kinda tired.

 Koli was starting to fall asleep here holding her monkey. Francis is the name.
 Kyler made this beanie for Koli! Can you believe it? Her first one ever pretty dang cute!

 Everything goes in the mouth
 Still doing crunches every minute she can. I put my foot there so you can see how high she's lifting her head haha it's amazing.
 Aunt Heather got Koli baby signing time videos for Christmas Koli was LOVING it. She couldn't look away from those little signers. 
 hahah this picture is great. Nog and Kollins out on the bench playing while I'm cutting hair inside.
 Then something bad happened. FYI put all poopy clothes in the sun and bam stain is gone. It's quite incredible. Outfits I thought were a lost cause... Nope. Throw it in the washer, get it wet put it in the sun and wallllaaa. Try it you will be one happy camper not to have to get rid of any clothes because they have stains on them.
 She looks like Leias twin right here.
 No big deal just reading the mail.
 Hangin with GG (on her bed)
 Here's Dad, he came over and you know just starting picking our weeds. haha he's so great in his Sunday clothes and everything.
Nothing can stop this man.

 Look how Koli is sitting up all on her own!
 GG getting her hair cut 
 I really love this picture.
 haha standing on her Bumbo too
That was a hard day!
These are my favortie videos.
 I think I've watched each one 50 times.
Grunting.... when she starts doing this I know it's time for bed.


  1. Ha Brielle does the same grunting noise when she's tired.

  2. What a great little gal you have there. She's so cute. Fun to see all the pictures and video. I love seeing what she's up to because then I know what I'll be seeing Brett doing in the next month!

  3. Oh and I meant to add that your walking outfit is very hip! Will my legs look that good when Brett is 5 months? Oh goody!

  4. They're growing so fast! Koli's adorable, I can't wait to get the two little cousins together again.
