Monday, February 20, 2012

Pic a nic

Today Nogs, Koli, and I went to the temple to have a picnic. A picnic with no food, well, some crackers and water. And well, take that back we did bring rice cereal for Koli so we all did eat something.
 She is LOVING rice cereal. Every time I pull it out to give it to her she opens her mouth so big making it as easy as possible for me to aim it straight in her mouth. It's the best! People would tell me to stick with just milk for as long as I could because feeding babies food can be so messy and take so long. Athough it is quite messy and maybe does take a little while I find it my favorite thing to look forward to each day. She makes it so much fun.
We fed Koli, then Nog wiped out our book we are kind of obsessed with right now. It's called "The Great and Terrible" and it is unbelievably good. Seriously! We just started the third book last night.
 Here it is...
 Look at that mouth!
 "I'm ready, I'm ready, over here!!" 

The weather was heavenly today so we had to take advanage of it, having us a cracker, water picnic and reading us a dang good book.
Such a great day.

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